La medición de luz PAR es una medida más valiosa porque mide solamente la luz utilizada por las plantas para la fotosíntesis.
Mide la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR) de 400 a 700 nm
Rango de 0 a 2.000 µmol-m-2-s-1
Disponible en una variedad de configuraciones
The Field Scout Light Meters are accurate to ±5%. Cosine
correction is accurate to ±3% at 45°, and ±7% at 80°.
Quantum Light Meters are calibrated to display PPFD. The meters
display PPFD in the range 0-1999 µmol m-2 s-1.
3415FSE and 3415FXSE
The Field Scout Light Meters are accurate to ±5%. Cosine
correction is accurate to ±3% at 45°, and ±7% at 80°.
The Field Scout Light Meters are accurate to ±5%. Cosine
correction is accurate to ±3% at 45°, and ±7% at 80°.
The 3415FQF Quantum and Foot-Candle Meter measures
both PAR light, and light intensity as perceived by the human
eye. The eye perceives light of approximately 560 nm most
strongly, with perception half that at 500 and 600 nm.
The meters display values in the range 0-1999. This must be
multiplied by 10 to obtain Foot-Candles, so the meter range is
0-19990 Foot-Candles. Since 1 Foot-Candle is equivalent to
approximately 10.8 lux, multiplying the meter reading by 108.
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